Our commitment to nurturing and investing in Australian craftsmanship extends to every corner of our business, from our iconic leather boots to the very fixtures that house them in our retail stores. In this mission, we’re proud to partner with Made by Morgen, an innovative Australian furniture business that has created a range of bespoke pieces for our national flagship store at 345 George St, Sydney. 

In a story not dissimilar to that of R.M.Williams, Made by Morgen founder Nick McDonald began his business in a shed on his parents' cattle farm, experimenting with furniture design and working to find a balance of practicality and creativity. 

“I began the journey into this field by teaching myself, making a lot of mistakes along the way - it's the way I learn best. Having a practical upbringing certainly helped figure out how to overcome challenges that arose. Fast forward 8 years and MBM has grown into a small bespoke furniture business providing handmade furniture to order for clients all over Australia,” says Nick of Made by Morgen’s growth. 

When creating pieces for our new flagship store, Nick’s research took him to our legendary workshop in Adelaide, to better understand our time-honoured craftsmanship and premium material selection. This collaboration is evident in a range of functional seating solutions and benches seen throughout the store, upholstered with R.M.Williams boot leather.

Another highlight from the rich assortment of furniture pieces crafted for the store is the inclusion of Hydrowood Leatherwood, a highly sustainable material dredged from beneath the waters of Lake Pieman, Tasmania. This native wood is the single most important nectar plant in Tasmania and is illegal to harvest above ground, so this scarce and precious supply of reclaimed materials adds another level of history and storytelling to each piece it touches.  

Nick adds, “I hope that consumers continue to support local makers in all areas of the arts and crafts field.”

“We aim to design and make pieces that will be passed onto generations not unlike a pair of RMs.”